10 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Digital Nomad Lifestyle
10 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Digital Nomad Lifestyle
The digital nomad lifestyle has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people choosing to work remotely and travel the world. While there are certainly many benefits to this lifestyle, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider before taking the plunge. I always want to be transparent and realistic with my community and while the nomad lifestyle is the right fit for me, I know it may not be the right fit for others. I want to help explain some of the pros and cons of the lifestyle as well as offer some solutions to the problems you could face. Here are 10 advantages and disadvantages of the digital nomad lifestyle.
The first big advantage of the digital nomad lifestyle is flexibility. Many nomads are self employed or work as freelancers. Both of these options give you the ability to create your own schedule and work your own hours. This means if you want to work in the mornings and have the afternoons to explore then go for it! If you want to beat the crowds at popular spots and decide to explore at sunrise and then work during the evenings, that’s okay too. Do you want to take a few days off in the middle of the week so you can fully experience the location without having to battle the weekend crowds, no problem! Whatever schedule allows you to feel the most productive and achieve that work life balance is possible with this lifestyle.
One of if not the biggest advantages of the digital nomad lifestyle is the ability to travel and explore new places while still earning a living. You can work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a reliable internet connection. This means you can experience new cultures, try new foods, and see new sights without having to take time off work. This goes hand in hand with the flexible schedule. It allows you to take advantage of off-peak travel times and avoid crowds. However, it’s important to remember that constant travel can also be exhausting and can make it difficult to establish a routine or maintain relationships. Many nomads choose to make a base in a country for 1-6 months depending on their preferred travel style.
Cost saving on other expenses
Another advantage of the digital nomad lifestyle is the potential for cost savings on rent and other expenses. Since you can work from anywhere, you have the flexibility to choose a location with a lower cost of living. This can mean lower rent, cheaper groceries, and other cost savings. Additionally, you may be able to save money on transportation costs since you won’t need to commute to an office every day. However, it’s important to remember that some expenses, such as travel and short term accommodation, may be higher as a digital nomad. You also won’t need all those memberships such as gym, food or 5 streaming services. All of these add up and can help you save a bundle.
Increased Productivity and Creativity
One advantage of the digital nomad lifestyle is the potential for increased productivity and creativity. Without the distractions of a traditional office environment, (yes chatting with your co-workers) digital nomads may find it easier to focus on their work and complete tasks more efficiently. Additionally, the freedom to work from anywhere can inspire creativity and new ideas. The ability to choose where you work and when you work can help avoid burnout. Some people find that working in cafes suits them. Others find working in libraries, parks or co-working spaces is more optimal. Whatever works best for you is possible and you can even choose to mix it up each day if you want!
Networking Opportunities
One advantage of the digital nomad lifestyle is the opportunity to network with people from all over the world. Digital nomads often attend conferences, meetups, and other events where they can connect with other professionals in their industry. This can lead to new business opportunities, collaborations, and friendships. It always helps to connect with like-minded individuals who understand your lifestyle. It helps to have that community around you!
Okay, so as I said in the beginning, while there are so many wonderful aspects about the digital nomad lifestyle it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. However, fear not. For each disadvantage to the lifestyle I do want to offer some quick tips that can help to combat the problems you may face. Let’s continue with the other side of the 10 advantages and disadvantages of the digital nomad lifestyle.
Probably one of the biggest disadvantages of being a digital nomad for most people is the fact that you don’t get to see your family and friends as much as you want to. You might be missing out on important events because you can’t come back every single time. Of course, you can still keep in touch but its not quite the same.
Quick Solutions:
To fend off loneliness there are a few things you can do. First, you can join guided tours. There will be lots of people for you to meet and to share the experience with and who can even help to get some great photos for you. Second, you can stay in hostels or co-living spaces. You will meet lots of other travelers and digital nomads who probably share similar interest and would be happy to hang out. Third, join travel Facebook groups that host meet ups or allow for group members to plan activities together. Lastly, schedule regular FaceTime calls with loved ones so you can see their faces and catch up on things happening back home.
Lack of Stability
If you work as a freelancer or run your own company while traveling the world, your income is hardly ever guaranteed. You might have many clients or customers for the first couple of months, and then hardly any in the months after. Your online products might have a great season and then flop the next. Clients can often sign up for an extended contract and then change their minds once they learn how you do the work. It all depends on your acquisition and networking skills and a bit on your luck, too.
Quick Solutions:
Make sure you have enough savings before you start your new lifestyle so you can survive a few months without a steady income. Make a financial plan with all your regular expenditures. Plan an extra budget for unexpected costs. Calculate, how much you need to save or earn each month to be able to write black numbers. Finally, always have multiple streams of income, some of which are passive. This will help protect you if one source drys up.
Yes, this is a big one. Sometimes public authorities have difficulty tracking your online jobs and therefore have no clear guidelines on how you should handle things. However, if you don’t want to get yourself into trouble, you have to make sure you have working permission in the country you are traveling to. Getting the right visa is not always the easiest thing. Which visa should you apply for when they have multiple options? And how about taxes? Where do you have to pay them and how do you report your income? How do you get healthcare insurance while traveling? There are so many factors that while frustrating to handle in your own home country, they are down right hair-pullingly stressful to handle in a foreign country.
Quick Solutions:
While there are no easy solutions to many of these issues, you can go a long way with the right resources. For visa purposes, go to your embassy website and research the type of visas offered. Many countries are now starting to offer remote worker or digital nomad visas! It doesn’t hurt to send an email or call someone for clarification if you still aren’t sure. For taxes, this will never be simple unfortunately and will always depend on where you’re from, where you have residency and what countries you are working from. Hiring a CPA or tax advisor who specializes in remote workers might be the best choice for the first year or two. For health insurance I have the easiest solution yet. SafetyWing is a travel medical insurance that was created by nomads for the digital nomad lifestyle. You can purchase a policy even if your trip has already started, and pause and resume coverage with flexibility. You’re covered in 185 countries and you don’t need to let them know about your itinerary in advance. Perfect for people like me who don’t know where they’ll be next month! Check out their website at SafetyWing.
Lack of Motivation:
If there are no fixed timeframes when you have to do your work, it sometimes can be hard to motivate yourself. Especially, when you are currently at a beautiful tropical beach surrounded by others who are on vacation. It’s difficult to focus when you could just as easily blow off work and go for a swim, tan in the sun, or sip cocktails at a bar. But, as we just learned, the digital nomad lifestyle is not only fun but also hard work. So discipline is one of the essential skills of a nomad.
Quick Solutions:
Find the time of day that you feel most productive. Set aside a few hours to purely focus on work during this block. Schedule in breaks to move around, grab something to eat or drink and then go right back to work. Make sure you choose the right environment. If you are someone who won’t be able to focus in a noisy cafe, then choose a library or a co-working space. If you are someone who can’t watch other people swim and sip cocktails while still being able to focus on work, maybe choose somewhere else to work. Schedule free time for tours, activities and other fun things so you don’t feel like you are missing out. You will be more productive when you know you have something fun to look forward to later as a reward. If you are concerned with burnout don’t forget to check out my post about how to avoid it!
Burnout as a Freelancer: How to Avoid it
So is this lifestyle for you?
As you can see, there are not only digital nomad benefits but also many disadvantages to the remote work lifestyle, too. Not seeing your family and friends all the time, keeping yourself motivated to work, or having no guaranteed income are just a few things that not everyone can handle. After reading about some of the work from anywhere drawbacks, and you are still willing to give this lifestyle a try, there are always people who have struggled with these problems before and who can help you out. So after reading 10 advantages and disadvantages of the digital nomad lifestyle here are some questions you should ask yourself.
What would be the biggest disadvantages of a digital nomad lifestyle for you? Would the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for you? Let me know in the comment section below if you are truly interested in the digital nomad lifestyle!
Always appreciate a business person who addresses the solutions!
Thank you, I always like to offer solutions but I have them – especially since I want to address the issues we face so people can have realistic expectations!
Not a complete digital nomad, since I have a house, however I have my own websites, so I can work anywhere and everywhere. Plan is once my son has finished high school that my husband and I are going traveling for part of the year and be home the other part. My websites should be funding that. I think the biggest disadvantage to me would be seeing friends and family less (that’s why I don’t want to give up our house or want to go full-time digital nomad).
We have had a “base” for a long time as well, only recently did we go “fully nomadic” but I don’t think that makes you less of a nomad !!! Lots of people have a base and split time throughout the year traveling and then being “home”. Down the road we will want a home home as well and then split time traveling same as you !
Love this authentic pros and cons / advantages and disadvantages of living the digital nomad lifestyle. So spot on! And love your practical solutions to combat the cons.
Thank you so much! I always try to be as realistic and transparent as I can be so that people truly know what the lifestyle can be like. Nothing is all sunshine and rainbows but I like to try to help solve some issues people may face so they know it’s possible !
I like that you offer solutions along with your disadvantages to being a digital nomad. Great tips!
So glad you like the solutions! I think it’s important to be honest about issues we face but also to try to help people know there are ways to handle them !
This is a great breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages or being a digital nomad and I really love that you included some easy/quick solutions to help overcome those disadvantages!
I’m really glad that you enjoy it and that you found the tips for solutions useful as well!
You’ve made some great points about the advantages and disadvantages of being a digital nomad. I especially love how you have given a solution to the disadvantages. Great post.
I’m really glad to hear this! And yea I try to help give some solutions to problems so people can see it’s possible just requires some work !
As much as I dream about being a digit nomad, I am not sure it’s for me. The idea of exploring new destinations sounds great, but I think I’d miss my home base.
That’s completely fair! It’s not for everyone. Some nomads keep a base and split their time during the year, maybe that option would be better for you!
It is one of my dreams to become a digital nomad and work from anywhere I want. This article is very informative; thank you very much for all your advice!
It can be an amazing lifestyle as long as you are realistic and prepared to take on the challenges. I truly love most aspects of it and I always am excited when someone is interested in becoming a DN. If you ever need any help please feel free to reach out to me !
We have often contemplated a full digital nomad lifestyle but find we need some time at home between long trips to catch up on things. I am always worried that I will be distracted by all the great things to see and do in a new place and my productivity would be far worse. But I agree with setting out a time of day for work and it is easier as an early riser.
That’s totally fair! It really isn’t suitable for everyone and it sounds like you know what’s best for you! Having a base was something that worked for us for a long time and down the road i’m sure we will once again have a base . There are definitely distractions and knowing whether you can handle that or not is important!!
I appreciate how you have given a possible solution to overcome the disadvantages. A nice summary of digital nomad lifestyle which also shows it is not always sunshine and rainbows
Always try to be as transparent as I can, people should have realistic expectations for the lifestyle! And glad you like the solutions